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Straddle Dismount Progressions & Drills

Pike Hang

  • Hang in a pike and swing back and forth.

  • Stand on a block, place one foot on the bar and jump to get the other foot on the bar.

Straddle Hang

  • Hang in a straddle and swing. Be sure to lock knees and look forward through legs.

  • Stand on a block with one foot on the bar and jump or fall through to put other foot on the bar. 


Straddle From Standing

  • Stand on a low block or mat and put one foot on the bar, the bend the bottom leg so that you can fall into a swing and put the other foot on the bar.

  • Gradually raise the block to a higher platform and repeat the straddle swing. 

  • Once the block is at a significant height, attempt to jump to a straddle swing.

Losing the Fear of Being on the Bar

  • Start with the gymnasts climbing up onto the bar and jumping off to a stick landing. This will help ease the fear of falling forward.


The Great Fall

  • Put a wedge mat on the ground with a floor bar over the smallest end. Have the gymnast hold the bar and jump to a straddle then fall to their bottom on the wedge. Continue this until they have mastered it with straight legs and not releasing the bar upon impact.

Climb Up Straddle Dismount

  • Start with the gymnasts climbing up onto the bar with the coaches hands on their hips. Rest their bottom on the coaches chest or shoulder to allow the student time to readjust and get ready. Once ready slowly release them into the straddle swing.

  • Put a poly dot or star on the floor for them to aim their dismount.

Cast to Straddle Dismount

  • Once the climb up to straddle dismount is mastered move on to cast to straddle.

  • Start with cast to squat on, and cast to squat on jump off. This will help ease the transition.

  • Transition to cast straddle on with a mat under the bar to catch the gymnast in case of any falls.

  • Put a poly dot or star on the floor for the gymnast to aim for.

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